Datafiles Disk I/O
The Physical design of the database reassures optimal performance for DISK I/O. Storing the datafiles in different filesystems (Disks) is a good technique to minimize disk contention for I/O.
How I/O is spread per datafile
SELECT NAME, phyrds Physical_READS, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(phyrds) OVER ())*100, 2)|| '%' PERC_READS, phywrts Physical_WRITES, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(phywrts) OVER ())*100, 2)|| '%' PERC_WRITES, phyrds + phywrts total FROM v$datafile df, v$filestat fs WHERE df.FILE# = fs.FILE# ORDER BY phyrds DESC;Tip: ORDER BY phyrds, order by physical reads descending. ORDER BY phywrts, order by physical writes descending.
How I/O is spread per filesystem
SELECT filesystem, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(READS) OVER ())*100, 2) || '%' PERC_READS, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(WRITES) OVER ())*100, 2) || '%' PERC_WRITES, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(TOTAL) OVER ())*100, 2) || '%' PERC_TOTAL FROM (SELECT filesystem, SUM(Physical_READS) READS, SUM(Physical_WRITES) WRITES, SUM(total) TOTAL FROM (SELECT SUBSTR(NAME, 0, 25) filesystem, phyrds Physical_READS, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(phyrds) OVER ())*100, 2)|| '%' PERC_READS, phywrts Physical_WRITES, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(phywrts) OVER ())*100, 2)|| '%' PERC_WRITES, phyrds + phywrts total FROM v$datafile df, v$filestat fs WHERE df.FILE# = fs.FILE# ORDER BY phyrds DESC) A GROUP BY filesystem) B ORDER BY ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(total) OVER ())*100, 2) DESC;Tip: To see the filesystems correct experiment with the SUBSTR(NAME, 0, 25)
How I/O is spread for the datafiles of a specific tablespace
SELECT df.NAME, phyrds Physical_READS, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(phyrds) OVER ())*100, 2)|| '%' PERC_READS, phywrts Physical_WRITES, ROUND((RATIO_TO_REPORT(phywrts) OVER ())*100, 2)|| '%' PERC_WRITES, phyrds + phywrts total FROM v$datafile df, v$filestat fs, ts$ t WHERE df.FILE# = fs.FILE# AND df.ts# = t.ts# AND t.NAME = 'TABLESPACE_NAME' ORDER BY phyrds DESC;
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